Assemblywoman Addie J. Russell is asking state officials to investigate National Grid's claim that it overpaid numerous municipalities on its taxes.
Here is TV-50's story:
The utility is asking for reimbursement from about 150 cities and villages across the state, including, according to Ms. Russell:
$53,760 from the village Potsdam
$40,974 from the village of Canton
$48,573 from the city of Ogdensburg
$184,431 from the city of Watertown

National Grid says it overpaid its taxes because it miscalculated the formula from 2005-2008.
"I plan to ask the state Comptroller, the Public Service Commission and the Department of Taxation and Finance to investigate the legality and legitimacy of National Grid's claims and demands," Russell said.
"In these tough economic times, it is unfair to expect municipalities - that are already struggling - to come up with this money."
She said it's additionally outrageous that National Grid is also asking for interest, when the alleged overpayments were the utility's own mistake