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Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Capital Corridor/Thousand Island Bridge Authority

The Capital Corridor announces a symposium on April 2, 2009
“New Governments, New Border? Effects of Border Policy on Economic Development, Tourism and Trade.”
U.S. Ambassador Visits Thousand Islands Bridge
David H. Wilkins, U.S. Ambassador to Canada, visited the Thousand Islands Bridge on Monday, Sept. 29. This year marks the 70th anniversary of the opening of the bridge - the Ambassasdor’s visit served to point out the importance of the bridge to the economies of both countries. Ambasador Wilkins commented on the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiaitive and the ease of border crossings once the initiaitive is fully implemented. The Ambassador felt that any drop in cross-border traffic was more because of the weak econonomy than any border security issues.
Ambassador Wilkins commented on the new radio frequency identification chip cards available for NEXUS users and now available for enhanced drivers licenses in New York State. As more states and provinces role out these new programs, border crossing times will decrease.