New York State Party Chair June O’Neil
and Essex County Chairwomen Corey
have moved mountains!
and Essex County Chairwomen Corey
have moved mountains!

Throughout this election Chairwomen O’Neil has been stressing the importance of winning this race. With all the financial difficulties that our Country and State are facing, the people of the 20th Congressional District need a leader like Scott Murphy. Scott has created over 1000 jobs over the last 15 years and the people of the 20th District understand that his leadership is needed.
Essex County Democratic Chairwomen Corey has proven, as Jefferson has before, that even when the voter enrollment odds are heavily stacked against you- every day people can make a difference.
Monday and Tuesday will be critical in pushing Scott over the top and I’m sure that anyone wanting to make that short trip to the 20th would be welcomed with open arms. Please check Scott’s web site out at
Lastly, I want to thank Chairwomen Corey as well as New York State Chairwomen O’Neil for their dedication to the residents of NY’s 20th Congressional District and New York State. Our Country and State are struggling to overcome an economic downturn of historic proportions and with the guidance of people like Scott Murphy we can turn this ship around and head towards calmer waters.
Thank you,
Sean M Hennessey
Jefferson County
Democratic Party