In running around the political blogs today I came across this disturbing report by the Community Action Association of NYS. It was reported in the always scintillating Gotham Gazette. This report is dated March 2009 and sets up 'rankers' among cities reporting poverty numbers. Here are the #s for Watertown. Prepare to be depressed.
Total Population.............................................................. 29,590
# of Individuals in Poverty................................................ 7,043
% of Individuals in Poverty..............................................24.5%
Education & Poverty
% of 25+older with at least High School Degree.............87.2%
% of 25+older with at least Bachelor’s Degree ...............18.0%
% with Only High School Degree in Poverty...................20.4%
% with at least Bachelor’s Degree in Poverty....................4.1%
Employment & Poverty
Median Income............................................................. $33,021
Click here for the whole thing.