One of this blog's favorite NYS Senators is Liz Kruger. And to make her viewpoint even stronger in my eyes she has some fairness up her sleeve. It involves requiring those who are more able to contribute to the public welfare to actually pay at an increase rate.
She is the Vice-Chair of the Senate Finance Committee and Chairwoman of the Select Committee on Budget and Tax Reform, and she announced today that the Select Committee will conduct a public hearing on March 12th to discuss restructuring the state’s tax laws to a more progressive model.
The hearing will include a variety of economists representing differing ideas and proposals for legislators to consider during negotiations for this year’s state budget.
You can participate in Liz's hearing too. Krueger is also asking interested members of the public to submit written testimony that will be made available to all 62 members of the Senate.
For years Liz toiled hopelessly burdened and buried in the minority. Now her point of view has bubbled to the surface. Hoo-ray!
"What do you think the highest tax bracket in New York State is?"