Matt Doheny, the guy Dede Scozzafava beat out for the Republican
Party's nod for Congress, is holding a fundraiser. A fundraiser? Ten days before Christmas? Yes he is hanging up his elephant size stocking December 15th at the Italian American Club in Watertown apparently hoping for his own Santa drop.
Matt wants to be the dude to run against the now incumbent Congressman Bill Owens next fall.
It'll cost you $30 to take your partner to meet Matt. Maybe he'll be there with some of the other well known Republican elves. Wonder if Dede will go? I'm guessing not.
Doheny raised and then returned $286,000.00 and it looks like not a single penny of it was from the district and a lot from Saint Elsewhere...
Doheny Returns Money to Donors
One question has to be asked: Who was he going to help since they had helped him?
Not an unfair question... not at all.
Amazing he was able to raise that much money even before the nomination and without any local or national coverage (unlike Hoffman). Looks like the people on the list aren't major political donors so I don't think they gave in the hope of favors, they were probably just supporting their friend. In fact, some of them were democrats. To Dan's point - I know what you are trying to say, but I would have expected all the early money to come from outside of the district - so early in the election process there were obviously no advertisements and no real marketing to the people in the district yet. He was probably just raising money from his friends and focusing his efforts on the the committee members who were making the nomination decision. I'll bet they regret passing on him now. Choosing Dede was the best thing that ever happened to the Democrats. I think Doheny will be our toughest competition out there in 2010. I don't think we should focus on outside monies - honestly, every candidate needs outside funds, why else would Biden have come around and why else would Hoffman have gone on national TV. At the end of the day, those tactics work. You need money to win and this guy can get it. He is a huge threat to Owens and we need to keep our eye on him. If we are lucky, the far right will dominate and put someone like Josh Lynch on the ballot, the kid who tried to run last time. He was a total joke but yet the far right actually sort of embraced him. Owens would win in a landslide.
Outside money, other than from a relative, is in my opinion, money for outside interests down the road... the landscape is repleat with examples.
I stand strongly on this principle: "No money except from those who can vote for you (whether they do or not matters not), but it's the people one should stand with and for, and not $5,000.00 donors from FL, VA, TX, CA, or DC..."
Dan, I understand your frustration with outside funds, but if you want to win, you need it. Until the rules change, a viable candidate for D-23 MUST raise outside funds if they want to win. You know that. I don't agree with the fundraising rules either, but until they change you have to play by them...
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