Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, please welcome the brand new, hot off the griddle,
OFFICIAL blog of the Jefferson County Democratic Party. Its called North Country Democrat and is the product of The Chair, Sean Hennessey. Its OFFICIAL because Sean has deemed it such. We wish Sean the best. Click for it.
Attention all you Palinoids (like Watertown Mayor Jeff Graham). The affection you feel for the former Governor of Alaska may be tempered by this personal information flowing from
the trooper that Sarah tried to have fired. Here. Click here.
Jefferson's Leaning Left is taking a tilt against windmills. Here is Mr. Wiley's poetic soul flowing as a breeze off the lake:
a spanish developer said, it's quite funny
that, in the land of milk and honey
with the suckers over there
and using government welfare
i made a whole shit-load of quick money