Our candidate for County Clerk is a fountain of new ideas. When Gert is Clerk it won't be same old, same old. For example, here is one of them.
The Jefferson County Department of Motor Vehicles has improved over the years but we are still unable to adequately serve our growing population.
Our population size and density are comparable to nearby counties that have significantly more DMV offices and services.
Have you or a friend gone to Lowville or Pulaski just to avoid frustration with our own DMV?
Do you know about the DMV office on Fort Drum?
Many people I have spoken with do not know it exists or do not know how to gain access to the base. One idea I plan to look into is the possibility of moving the office just outside the base; keeping it close to the military population but more accessible to the general population.
In this day and age, there should be better communication and access: Printable forms, maps, directions, and detailed checklists, showing how to complete some of the more common DMV tasks, should be readily available on the internet.