The military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy is an unjust, outdated, and harmful rule that violates the civil rights of some of our bravest, most heroic men and women.That's why I have been working, along with my colleagues in the Senate and so many of you, to overturn this wasteful and destructive policy.
Today, I have great news: Senator Carl Levin, Chairman of the Armed Services Committee, has agreed to hold the first Senate hearings on repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell this Fall.We have to prepare for these hearings, so I'm launching a nationwide call to action and need the help of everyone at VoteVets.org. My goal is to get thousands of people to stand with me and show that this country is ready to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.Click here to help end "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." I want to show my colleagues that America is ready to do the right thing.
Numerous military leaders are already telling us that this policy should be reversed. Having lost over 13,000 of our best and brightest to this policy, including over 800 in "mission critical" areas such as 10% of our Arabic and Farsi speakers, and wasting nearly $200 million in training and recruitment costs, the time for change is now.We must all join together now and speak up on behalf of the brave men and women who only want to serve their country.
The announcement of hearings this fall is great news and a critical milestone on the road to repeal. But our work is not yet done. Click here to help end "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."I need your support right away, but moreover, I need you to share our call to action with your friends and colleagues who want to repeal this policy, too. Earning the broadest support possible is the only way to convey the message this Fall that the American people want to undo this harmful policy.I want to thank VoteVets.org for helping to lead the fight to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. Together, I am sure that we can make America stronger and bring equality to our Armed Services.
Kirsten Gillibrand
U.S. Senator
R. Wiley over at Jefferson's Leaning left had a very funny picture accompanying his post
on Cash for Clunkers. Its a shot of a dynamic McCain rally. Thanks for letting us share.

Here is his post. http://jeffersonleaningleft.blogspot.com/2009/08/no-cash-for-clunkers-say-republicans.html