This blog is of, by and for the progressive members of our Jefferson County community. Our mission is to provide information about fellow progressives for all to view, to provide a forum for forward looking candidates and to offer other varied items of interest. Your opinion is important to this blog and if you wish to write us an item or send us a picture please email it to watertownwizards@yahoo.com THIS BLOG IS NOT AN OFFICIAL BLOG OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY DEMOCRATIC COMMITTEE
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Kim Martusewicz

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Addie declines

Sunday, July 26, 2009
A Spring 2009 comment on the Scozzafava business enterprise
The blog is Grindstone Financial and Brian Lantier is the author. BTW, Seaway Valley Capital is the company that current Assemblywoman and now Congressional Candidate Dede Scozzafava still owns investment shares. This post didn't have any intended political implications at the time it was written but it has some major implications now.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Hackett's parent company has over 1 TRILLION shares outstanding
I haven't spent a lot of time on the Hacketts story but since the parent company of Hacketts - Seaway Valley Capital Corporation - is a public company I thought I'd just take a look at their latest filing with the government. Clearly, this is a complex situation and I only looked that latest filing on 4/13 (link here), but the one thing that jumps off the page is the convoluted capital structure of such a tiny company. The Seaway Valley corp has over 1 TRILLION, yes with a T!! - common share equivalents outstanding.That's so ridiculous that it's laughable. I can't ever remember seeing a company with more than a few billion shares outstanding. The company is now proposing to do a 1 for 1,000 reverse split (if you had 1,000 shares of the old Seaway Valley, you'll get 1 share of the new company) so that it's outstanding shares will fall to "just" 1.2 billion, and they'll have 8 billion shares available for future acquisitions.This gets a little detailed but the bulk of the shares outstanding seem to be due to a preferred stock issuance to a Mr. Scozzafava --- "100,000 shares of Series E Preferred Stock, par value $0.0001 per share, all of which were outstanding on the Record Date. The outstanding shares of Series E Preferred Stock were entitled to a total of 1,002,425,142,364 votes on the Record Date – i.e. 10,024,251 votes per share."I haven't followed this story closely enough to have any real insight (other than enjoying Hackett's selection of North Face products) but since I've recently talked about what an insane number a TRILLION of anything is, I thought I'd pass along that nugget.
North Country Public Radio presented the Dede side of the story. However, this blog invites you to pay special attention to the comments following the post.
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The President discusses a key factor that has been considered in the development of the health insurance reform proposals that are being considered: the impact of reform on small business. Go to WhiteHouse.gov to read a new Council of Economic Advisers report and give your feedback. July 25, 2009. (Public Domain) | |
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Friday, July 24, 2009
John McHugh at the Council of Foreign Relations
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Over the years of blogging we local Democrats taken some deserved swipes at Congressman John McHugh. When he was a blatant professional partisan he was (and sometimes still is) a clear target of our political philosophical difference. But here is an expanded look at John at his very best. He espouses an intelligent, sophisticated, cogent political worldview. It is a John McHugh that we have rarely seen. It will take you about an hour to watch. But it is worth it. JD thanks R. Wiley for pointing it our way. John M. McHugh, Member, U.S. House of Representatives (R-NY); Ranking Member, House Armed Services Committee, talks about "A View from the Hill: U.S. National Security" (May 21, 2009 at the Council on Foreign Relations) Presider: Thom Shanker, Pentagon Correspondent, The New York Times | |
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Gertrude Karris--tremendous candidate for Jefferson County Clerk

The Jefferson County Department of Motor Vehicles has improved over the years but we are still unable to adequately serve our growing population. Our population size and density are comparable to nearby counties that have significantly more DMV offices and services. Have you or a friend gone to Lowville or Pulaski just to avoid frustration with our own DMV?
Do you know about the DMV office on Fort Drum? Many people I have spoken with do not know it exists or do not know how to gain access to the base. One idea I plan to look into is the possibility of moving the office just outside the base; keeping it close to the military population but more accessible to the general population.
In this day and age, there should be better communication and access: Printable forms, maps, directions, and detailed checklists, showing how to complete some of the more common DMV tasks, should be readily available on the internet.
Mobile DMV?
If you knew that the DMV would have an office open one day a week in a nearby village or Town, would you go there? Would you be less likely to drive out of the county to take care of your DMV needs?
I am talking to other Counties about how they serve their population, and one suggestion, was a mobile DMV office. This office would have set days it would open in Villages or Towns around the County. For example, Monday in Adams Center, Tuesday in Cape Vincent, Wednesday in Theresa....
Would that be something that would help you?
Let me know what you think.
Little Changes Make Big Differences
In this day and age, there should be better communication and access to the Clerk's Office: printable forms, maps, directions, and detailed checklists, showing how to complete some of the more common tasks should be readily available on the internet.When you come to the DMV you should be confident you have brought all the documents you require. You should also be confident that someone in the office will be there to help you get what you need...I think there should be someone to check in with when you arrive so you don't wait in line and then find out you have the wrong document.And my last thought - how about a place to sit when there are lines? Is there any reason you must stand while you wait your turn? It seems a small but important thing, especially on those unavoidable, busy days.I would like to hear your thoughts and ideas for improving the County Clerk's office. Click Here.
Class Act

There has been a lot of speculation as to whether I would run in a special election for the 23rd Congressional District."
“My priority must continue to be the work I have started in the state Senate, representing Oswego, Jefferson and St. Lawrence counties. My commitment is to the people of the 48th Senate District and has been all along. Before I could even consider the possibility of serving another eight counties, I had a duty to finish out this year’s session."
"This seat in Congress belongs to the people who live in these 11 counties, not any elected official or political party."
“Unfortunately, the National Republican Party has viewed the seat differently. National Republicans have demonstrated their belief that party registration matters more than the issues by spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to attack and vilify me."
"They never mentioned the important issues we care about here in the 23rd, whether it’s our military and Fort Drum, border security and international trade, agriculture, energy and the economy of the future, or rural healthcare.
“It’s no small wonder why the Washington Republicans are going extinct, and contributors should question why the money they’ve given was squandered here for no good reason at all.
“I support the process that the Democratic Party has put in place to come up with a candidate to run for the expected vacancy in the 23rd Congressional District. I’m certain the 11 county chairs involved in the process will continue to move toward finding a qualified candidate who understands the issues here and will embark on an honest campaign that puts people before politics.”
Kirsten on healthcare
Senator Kirsten Gilibrand blogged yesterday on one of JD's favorite sites--The Albany Project.
Help Me Fight For A Public Optionby: Senator Kirsten GillibrandThu Jul 23, 2009 at 10:38:52 AM EDT |
As you know, there is a historic effort underway in Washington right now to finally address the health care crisis in this country, and I need your help. As I've written over at DailyKos and as I told Howard Dean last week, I believe that a robust not-for-profit public option must be a part of the health care reform package Congress passes this year. I feel that opening up a Medicare For All type system to everyone would lower costs and increase efficiency by injecting some much needed competition into the market. I was very pleased to see the Senate HELP committee pass a bill out of committee last week that included a public option, and I assure you, I am going to do everything in my power to ensure that a public option remains in the final bill. I feel that not only must the public option be national and accountable to Congress, but it must be made available to all Americans right away. We've kicked health care reform down the road for far too long already. As others have said -- I think rightly -- a public option has already been triggered. We are at a critical time in the health care reform debate, which means we must keep the pressure on. That's where you come in. The online community has done so much already -- and trust me, those of us fighting for real reform feel encouraged by your advocacy and those who are opposed to it are feeling the pressure. Will you help me keep the pressure on? Please join me in advocating for a public option by signing my petition today. I truly believe that health care is a right, not a privilege, and that the time for real reform -- including a public option -- is now. As the President said last night, the status quo is NOT an option and with you by my side, I intend to continue to fight for the real reform that Americans deserve. Thanks for all your hard work. |
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Addie in O'burg

It’s only been hours since Republicans nominated New York Assemblywoman Dede Scozzafava to be their candidate in the upcoming special election to replace Congressman John McHugh and already there is a flurry of questions surrounding her sketchy past.
The facts are clear: Dede Scozzafava spent years touting her leadership role at Seaway Capital Partners, claiming that she was both the Vice President of the company and the Chief Operating Officer. But now, after the company has come under fire for having close to $200,000 in unpaid state and federal tax liens, Dede is singing an entirely different tune. Her attempt to distance herself from the company after spending years bragging about her leadership role is blatantly disingenuous at best, and voters deserve answers.
“The facts are quite clear – either Dede Scozzafava spent years overstating her role in the company’s operations or she’s not being honest right now,” said June O’Neill, Chairwoman of the New York State Democratic Party. “Either way, she needs to come clean with voters.”
SEC Filing: “Consultant” to WiseBuys Stores [SEC Filing, 10/23/07]
July 2009 Resume: “Vice President of SC Partners Inc., LLC” [Scozzafava Resume, 7/09]
Current Assembly Website: “Dede is the Chief Operating Officer for Seaway Capital Partners.” [Scozzafava Assembly Website as of 7/22/09]
Current Campaign Website: “Dede is the Chief Operationg Officer for Seaway Capital Partners and Corporate Secretary for Wise Buys Stores.” [Scozzafava Campaign Website as of 7/22/09]
Politico Interview: “Scozzafava is listed as the COO of the company's investment arm, though she claims she hasn’t had any direct ties to the company since 2007.” [Politico, 7/22/09]
Politico: “The public company – I’m not an officer, not a director, not an employee. I have nothing to do with the company.” [Politico, 7/22/09]
Watertown Daily Times: “She said Tuesday that she was corporate secretary for WiseBuys, the retail chain owned by Seaway Valley, at one time.” [Watetown Daily Times, 7/22/09]
North Country Public Radio: “In the Politico article, Scozzafava says she has nothing to do with the company, even though she was listed as COO of the company's investment arm.” [NCPR, 7/22/09]
Brother: Scozzafava is “passive investor.” [Watertown Daily Times, 7/23/09]
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
For you careful, slower thinkers
It was a bad news/good news day for Dede Scozzafava

The influential national blog politico outed the Assemblywoman on a few issues--particularly unpaid taxes. http://www.politico.com/blogs/scorecard/0709/Scozzafava_under_fire.html?showall
The first lady of NY blog Liz Benjamin reported the troubles along with the fact that Dede had been seen courting the democrat line as well (per June O'Neill)http://www.nydailynews.com/blogs/dailypolitics/2009/07/democrats-fan-the-flames-of-sc.html
Of course, the big hit of the week was from the conservative blog Red Statehttp://www.redstate.com/index.php?tag=dede-scozzafava/
Now the Good News:
For some unknown reason the 11 republican chairs picked her as the GOP candidate in the 23rd special election. Wait a minute. That might very well be good news for us.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
A couple of questions for the presumed Republican representative in the 23rd NY Congressional special election
The Republicans gleefully look upon Obama's universal healthcare plan as his WATERLOO. Is this Dede's position too? | |
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"Roe v. Wade is a flawed decision that must be overturned." He further stated as president he would nominate judges who understand that courts should not be in the business of legislating from the bench. Constitutional balance would be restored by the reversal of Roe v. Wade, returning the abortion question to the individual states. The difficult issue of abortion should not be decided by judicial fiat.
Preserving Traditional Marriage
Because our children’s future is best preserved within the traditional understanding of marriage, we call for a constitutional amendment that fully protects marriage as a union of a man and a woman, so that judges cannot make other arrangements equivalent to it. In the absence of a national amendment, we support the right of the people of the various states to affirm traditional marriage through state initiatives.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Just in case you thought we had gone all wishy-washy here is a tee shirt you can buy

By the way, just for your information here is the statistic from sitemeter on how many pageviews our JD blog had this past week.
Jefferson's Leaning Left blog had an interesting 'chuckle along' profile of elephant candidate for Congress Bart Bonner. http://jeffersonleaningleft.blogspot.com/2009/07/republicans-in-23rd-need-nut-to-win.html
Bart Bonner.
Check it out
Friday, July 17, 2009
Darrel is plugged in and clearly has juice

“These towns and villages have spent more than a decade working to establish a municipal power system to provide low-cost power,” Sen. Aubertine said. “We want to give these communities the opportunity to use this authority to reduce consumer and business expenses, create jobs and help families make ends meet. This authority is necessary step to finance this venture and ensure there are appropriate accountability standards to serve the public. This will save our families and businesses in these towns money on their electric bills.”
Since the late 1990s, the Alliance for Municipal Power, based in Canton, has united the interests of 24 towns and villages, and more than 95 supporting organizations—chambers of commerce, colleges, schools, business development corporations, unions, and more—to work toward a goal of providing low-cost municipal power for economic development and a reduced cost of living for residents. The Senator first introduced similar legislation as an Assemblyman and brought it over to the Senate, where he has garnered bipartisan support for the bill. It passed 48-9 on Thursday.
This legislation to create the North Country Power Authority would provide AMP towns and villages in St. Lawrence and Franklin counties with the ability to explore implementing owning and operating the transmission and distribution of electric power over the next 10 years. This initiative could provide thousands of New Yorkers with significantly reduced rates, more reliable service, and local control. Preliminary studies indicate the annual savings for rate-payers in the millions of dollars, as well as an average system-wide rate reduction of 4 percent.
While towns and villages are allowed by law to form a municipal electric company, the small and rural communities have opted to work together to further reduce costs. AMP’s mission is to establish this regional public power utility through the acquisition and operation of the existing distribution system for communities within the AMP area.
“Today’s passage of the North Country Power Authority Act represents a significant step towards lower rates, energy independence, and better services for AMP communities,” said AMP Chairman Robert Best said. “We want to thank Senator Aubertine and all the sponsors of the bill for their vision and commitment to helping AMP advance New York’s important energy goals.”
AMP Vice Chairman Wade Davis said, “Thanks to the leadership of our local elected representatives in Albany, we are moving closer towards a day we have been working for over many years to significantly reduce rates and provide more reliable service with local control. Towns, Villages, Libraries, Fire Districts, Chambers of Commerce, and many other groups from across the region have signed on in support of our goal. They have spoken and our Senators are listening.”
AMP is comprised of the towns of Bombay, Fort Covington, Moira and Westville in Franklin County, and towns of Brasher, Canton, Colton, DeKalb, Edwards, Fowler, Gouverneur, Hermon, Lisbon, Louisville, Madrid, Norfolk, Pierrepont, Potsdam, Russell, Stockholm, and Waddington and the Villages of Canton, Norwood, and Potsdam in St. Lawrence County.

“I commend Senator Aubertine for spearheading the North Country Power Authority legislation in the Senate,” said Assemblywoman Addie Russell. “Passing the Senate is a critical step toward making the Authority a reality. I will continue to work with the Assembly leadership toward its passage in our house. In addition, I am communicating with the Governor’s office on the merits of this important initiative for the North Country, so that once it has passed the Assembly we are assured that he will sign the bill into law.”
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
There. Take that.

Drew Mangione of Senator Aubertine's office had a comment today about the short article published in Roll Call and republished on Newzjunky. The Roll Call piece indicated that the Republican Congressional Campaign Committee would try to tie Darrel to the recent Senate dysfunction if he chose to make a Congressional run. Good for you Drew! You got it right on. Apparently the Republicans
are gearing up for another nasty, negative, naysaying campaign that the public really doesn't want to hear about but makes the super partisan Rs feel better. They keep making the same mistake over and over. Lets quote the Drewster.
“Senator Aubertine has never wavered in his support of reforms within the Senate and welcomes changes that would free all senators from partisan gridlock. He had the guts to stand up to both sides of the aisle and try to fix the mess that Senate Republican power brokers created. The Senator is nearing, but has not yet made, a decision to run. If he were to run, the real shock would be if the NRCC didn’t try to mislead the public about his record. “The Republican power structure has an amazing ability to look in the mirror and blame others for their own mistakes, even when they’re clearly out of touch with their own registered voters, many of whom strongly support Senator Aubertine.“The state Senate Republican hierarchy got all cozy with Tom Golisano and his money, and then started the stalemate, claiming they object to the very rules which they in fact established over four decades in control. The NRCC lost in 2008 and eroded much of their support because failed Bush Administration policies severely damaged our economy, so they blame the 7-month-old Obama Administration. “There’s a pattern here. The real surprise would be if the Republican cabal ran an honest campaign. They might actually win back some of the voters they have alienated, if they finally recognized how intelligent the electorate actually is.”
Six of a mind--across party lines

Sunday, July 12, 2009
June is out--Jay is in

Ending months of speculation over the leadership of the state Democratic Party going into 2010, Gov. David Paterson announced today the woman currently occupying that post, June O'Neill, will soon be replaced by Nassau County Democratic Chairman Jay Jacobs.
Ostensibly, this is being done at O'Neill's request because she has been temporarily sidelined by hip surgery (she returned home to St. Lawrence County last Thursday after having a hip replacement at St. Peter's in Albany).
O'Neill will move over to chair the party's Executive Committee (under party rules, the top two posts must be held by a man-woman combo), while Jacobs, who is a prodigious fundraiser and organizer with ties to Hillary Clinton, takes over day-to-day operations.
The change will be officially voted on by party's committee members at their fall meeting.
"June O’Neill has served our party and my administration with great passion, dedication and energy," Paterson said in a statement released this evening.
"She enjoys the admiration and support of people from one end of this great state to the other, people who have seen her fight for Democratic principles during her more than 30 years of service."
"Her efforts have allowed us to make great strides as a party, including helping our party raise $12.9 million. Although we will miss one of our ‘winningest’ state party chairs in New York history, I understand and support her wish to put her health first.”
Paterson said he is "delighted" that O'Neill has agreed to stay on as head of the Executive Committee (a position that had been held by Westchester County Democratic chairman Reggie Lafayette, although no mention of him was made in the press release). He also said Jacobs and O'Neill will make a "tremendous team for our party.”
I reached O'Neill at home. She told me she has been talking to the governor "for months" about doing a little less in light of the fact that her surgery will keep her out of the mix for about six weeks and also because, well, it has been a rather bumpy ride.
"I didn't want to give it up completely, because that's not in my nature," she explained. "If anybody looks at these last I don't know how many months, they've been unprecedented. It has not been a normal couple of years."
Slithery, slimy and snickery
Saturday, July 4, 2009
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The President recounts Americas great history of overcoming seemingly insurmountable challenges, and pledges to lead America in continuing that tradition. Focusing on creating a clean energy economy, comprehensive health reform, and revitalizing an education system in need of change, the President pledges not to leave these decades-old problems to yet another generation to solve. July 3, 2009. (Public Domain) | |
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MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Sources: "Sarah Palin Out Of Politics For Good" - 07/03/09 | |
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Friday, July 3, 2009

Five signers were captured by the British as traitors, and tortured before they died.
Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned.
Two lost their sons serving in the Revolutionary Army; another had two sons captured.
Nine of the 56 fought and died from wounds or hardships of the Revolutionary War.
They signed and they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor.What kind of men were they?Twenty-four were lawyers and jurists.
Eleven were merchants,
Nine were farmers and large plantation owners; men of means, well educated,but they signed the Declaration of Independence knowing full well that the penalty would be death if they were captured.
Carter Braxton of Virginia, a wealthy planter and trader, saw his ships swept from the seas by the British Navy. He sold his home and properties to pay his debts, and died in rags.
Thomas McKeam was so hounded by the British that he was forced to move his family almost constantly. He served in the Congress without pay, and his familywas kept in hiding. His possessions were taken from him, and poverty was his reward.
Vandals or soldiers looted the properties of Dillery, Hall, Clymer,Walton, Gwinnett, Heyward, Ruttledge, and Middleton.
At the battle of Yorktown, Thomas Nelson, Jr., noted that the British General Cornwallis had taken over the Nelson home for his headquarters. He quietly urged General George Washington to open fire. The home was destroyed, and Nelson died bankrupt.
Francis Lewis had his home and properties destroyed. The enemy jailed his wife, and she died within a few months.
John Hart was driven from his wife's bedside as she was dying. Their 13 children fled for their lives. His fields and his gristmill were laid to waste. For more than a year he lived in forests and caves, returning home to find his wife dead and his children vanished.
So, take a few minutes while enjoying your 4th of July holiday and silently thank these patriots. It's not much to ask for the price they paid.