Our guy in the state Senate has offered a mechanism by which the egocentrics might
be able to take off their clown faces and actually save a bit of face. Here is the report from Capital Confidential (Times-Union.)
As negotiations continue (we think?) Sen. Darrel Aubertine, D-Cape Vincent, has offered up a proposal to close out the session.
In short, the proposal would be to have a one-day session, during which all of those who claim leadership would step aside, allowing a neutral rank-and-file member to take the title of Senate President Pro Tempore for one day to move legislation that needs to be voted on this session.
Aubertine said that Democratic leaders have agreed, but claims that Sens. Pedro Espada and Dean Skelos, who lead the predominantly
GOP coalition, have refused.
be able to take off their clown faces and actually save a bit of face. Here is the report from Capital Confidential (Times-Union.)
As negotiations continue (we think?) Sen. Darrel Aubertine, D-Cape Vincent, has offered up a proposal to close out the session.
In short, the proposal would be to have a one-day session, during which all of those who claim leadership would step aside, allowing a neutral rank-and-file member to take the title of Senate President Pro Tempore for one day to move legislation that needs to be voted on this session.
Aubertine said that Democratic leaders have agreed, but claims that Sens. Pedro Espada and Dean Skelos, who lead the predominantly

Bythe way if you want one of these T shirts the Mahattan Young Democrats are selling them.