This blog is of, by and for the progressive members of our Jefferson County community. Our mission is to provide information about fellow progressives for all to view, to provide a forum for forward looking candidates and to offer other varied items of interest. Your opinion is important to this blog and if you wish to write us an item or send us a picture please email it to THIS BLOG IS NOT AN OFFICIAL BLOG OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY DEMOCRATIC COMMITTEE
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Laydeez and gentlemen--our newest Senator
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Former Congressional candidate here and always strong thinker Dr. Bob Johnson offers a commentary
The healthcare bill as it now stands is a sausage that can only be characterized as a bailout for the insurance companies. They found their white knight in Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman. He dutifully sold out the American people for the Hartford insurance companies. Now everyone will have to purchase insurance from companies that have shown nothing but contempt for decent human values and whose only god has been to maintain a burgeoning bottom line. They have shown no remorse to the continual denial of care to their customers. Is no one shocked by the proliferation of bake sales and fund raisers that cancer, transplant and even cystic fibrosis children have to have for their care, most of which do not even come close to covering the costs denied by insurance companies.
The healthcare bill does nothing of what it set out to do. It does not cover everybody and ten million Americans will still be without coverage. It does not save money. One third of our healthcare costs will still go to the obscene profits of insurance and drug companies. It still gives extraordinary power to the insurance industry to dictate care in what they will and will not pay for. It still maintains their monopoly where they are exempted from the antitrust laws. Denied coverage is, and will be veiled in the fine print of the voluminous policies that no one ever reads or can understand. Even as insurance companies are allowed to dictate care the responsibility is still shifted to the doctor who is still beleaguered by egregious lawsuits filed by money intoxicated lawyers. What’s more, what few benefits there are in the bill do not start until 2013.
The trial lawyer lobby saw to it that there is no meaningful tort reform by protecting their contingency fees and preventing caps on damages. It is the same as your doctor advising you to loose weight but dieting and exercise are not allowed.
The Democratic Party has tried consensus. It doesn’t work. Not everyone is going to agree. The Republicans have been as disciplined and lock as ever. The have commanding majorities in each House and yet can not muster the gumption to pass legislation that will improve both the health and financial well being of the vast majority of Americans. Rather, they see fit to cave into those very few that owe their positions to the special interests of the insurance, pharmaceutical and legal industries that keep them elected.
This reality is the Democrats never had a filibuster proof majority. It was a mirage. Now they don’t have to worry about maintaining the illusion. The healthcare bill will now have to pass by reconciliation where only a majority is needed to pass a bill in the Senate. We no longer have to cave into those few lawmakers who are protecting the moneyed special interests in order to protect their own political self interest. We might even get a meaningful healthcare reform bill with a strong public option. Now we can actually bring the insurance companies to heel.
A note from Kirsten to her supporters I'ld like to share.
Dear Ezra,
There is no denying: the election in Massachusetts was a disappointment. However, let us not focus on our disappointment but rather, redouble our commitment to fighting for the causes and values that are so important. I can tell you that the voters are not looking for a year of gridlock or months of excuses and hand-wringing between now and the election. Voters want action. They want solutions to the challenges they face. And they want hardworking leaders who are prepared to deliver.
That is what I have done. I have fought tooth and nail for President Obama's health care bill, which will provide coverage for 2.7 million New Yorkers. I've worked hand-in-hand with the President to invest in job creation and bring home New York's fair share of federal dollars. And I've worked with all of you, traveling to all 62 counties in the state, listening to your concerns, making your voice heard in Washington, and building a campaign operation that is ready to win.
This is the kind of hardworking leadership I have always provided.
From my first race against entrenched Republican Congressman John Sweeney, when very few people thought he could be beaten, to my reelection against multi-millionaire formerNew York State GOP Chairman, Sandy Treadwell, which was the most expensive Congressional race in the country, I have always been outspent, but I have never been outworked.
On Martin Luther King, Jr. Day this week, I thought about his words: "History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people."
National, state and local Republicans are aggressively plotting to try and capture a Senate seat from New York. To date, we have raised over $7.1 million to ensure we have the resources to compete with the Republican attacks. I am prepared for the fight and I am prepared to win. If we continue to work together, speak out, and stay focused on solving the challenges we face, New Yorkers will cast their vote for hardworking leadership and we will deliver the change voters are still demanding.
It is an honor to work hard for the people of this state, and I thank you for your service and your support.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Addie Russell rips the Governor's budget

Assemblywoman Russell responds to governor’s budget proposal
“The governor’s budget proposal is evidence that he is out of touch with the North Country and our community. The governor’s proposal turns its back on working families by making across-the-board cuts – jeopardizing essential public programs – instead of making strategic cuts and basing decisions on sound data.
“One area I am specifically upset about is the governor’s initiative to close the Ogdensburg Correctional Facility. The governor has apparently not considered that fact that St. Lawrence County has one of the highest unemployment rates in the entire state, and was recently hit hard by the closing of the GM plant, the idling of Alcoa and the potential closure of P&C supermarkets in Canton , Potsdam , Massena and Gouverneur. He also failed to consider the ripple effects caused by this closure to Ogdensburg and its surrounding communities, including the loss of local contracts that were being used by the prison, and the hit to our housing values and tax base if these employees are transferred to facilities in other areas of the state.
“I have already started advocating for a final budget that considers cutting Department of Corrections administrators and identifying cost-saving-measures and shared services within the Watertown Correction hub as alternatives to the prison’s closure. The close proximity of North Country prisons presents us with an opportunity to consolidate services, such as sharing prison counselors and administrators as well as maximizing our economies of scale to achieve significant cost savings.
“Another area of concern is with the governor’s higher education proposal. The governor’s proposal to allow SUNY unchecked authority over tuition increases combined with deep cuts to the TAP program will put future generations at a disadvantage by making a college education unaffordable for working families. His cuts to community colleges will also undermine the employee retraining efforts taking place in the North Country right now, and the educational pursuits of our young adults.
“The governor also proposed new taxes on cigarettes and sugary drinks, including sports drinks and soda. At face value these efforts appear socially responsible, but I cannot support these two new taxes placed on our already over-burdened working families. We must break the culture of raising new taxes to feed our already bloated budget. Until we make significant cuts to the bureaucracy of Albany , I will not support these taxes.”
She indicated directly on the Channel 7 noon news that she would not vote for a budget that contained the closure of Ogdensburg Correctional facility. Click here for that.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Isn't this charming?
QUOTE OF THE DAY.... In Massachusetts this morning, Scott Brown campaigned in West Springfield, where the conservative Senate hopefulcomplained about the tone of the campaign.
"I'll tell you what," Brown said, using a megaphone to address the crowd. "There's negative campaigning, and then there's malicious campaigning."
"She's malicious!" a man in the crowd cried out. "She's a phony!" shouted another. "Shove a curling iron up her butt!" a third man interjected a few moments later.
Yes, because it's not ironic at all to complain about "malicious" campaigning while your supporters call for assaulting the state Attorney General with a curling iron.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Yea! My Party exhibits some good sense. The Marist Poll reported this.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
This could be a game changer!
Who this Brit paper thinks are the 100 leading libs and 100 leading righties
Thursday, January 14, 2010
HO HO HO! The blogs review Harold Ford's rollout piece in the NYT
This is Adama Brown's Daily Kos post
Does anyone else remember the video clip show "Maximum Exposure" that used to run on late-night syndicated TV? They would put together an hour of home movies featuring people doing what were mostly incredibly stupid and/or dangerous things, and then you got to laugh at idiots getting their well deserved comeuppance.
That's how I'm feeling about Harold Ford's campaign right about now.
- Adama D Brown's diary :: ::
Anyone here has probably already seen the highlights of the Ford interview, but just in case you haven't: weekly pedicures, a one third cut in the corporate tax rate, running on support for the bailouts, helicopter tours of New York City, luxury boxes, capital gains tax cuts, breakfast every day at the Regency Hotel, chauffeured towncars, tax cuts for the ultra wealthy, and deregulation of Wall Street.
Think of the Times interview as depicting a more articulate George Bush, with slightly better taste, running in a Democratic primary.
Well, you can imagine what the reaction has been from the observers of politics both here in New York and around the country. But fortunately you don't have to, because really, you don't want to miss what's being said about it. CQ Politics described it as "How Not To Do the Profile Interview."
Tuesday's New York Times ran a fascinating interview of former Tennessee Congressman Harold Ford, conducted by Timesman Michael Barbaro.
I say "fascinating" as in "Oh, my God, I cannot believe Ford actually said these things to a reporter for The New York Times in the belief, or even hope, that they would help him win Democratic primary votes against an appointed senator."
The Daily Beast summed it up nicely:
It was the most embarrassing interview I’ve ever read by a politician not named Sarah Palin.
A little later after recounting just a few of the many, many, many tone-deaf statements Ford made:
By this point, one assumes, Ford’s [press] flak is lying dead on the floor, having impaled himself with his BlackBerry.
One of the contributors over at FireDogLake defined it as "Harold Ford’s Completely Insane Senate Campaign Launch."
I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a worse rollout for a political campaign, or one more disconnected with the constituency needed to win, than what Harold Ford exhibited in today’s New York Times.
Gawker put it even more bluntly: "New York Times Allows Harold Ford to Destroy Himself."
Remember how the New York Times' uncomfortable interview with Caroline Kennedy pretty much sank her Senate campaign? Hello, Harold Ford, welcome to New York!
I need to buck the trend, though. I'm really starting to see another side of Harold Ford, and I firmly think that he should continue to run for this seat.
After all, with all of extremely serious political fights going on out there right now, the late night comedy writers could use some easy material.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Stand by me (them)
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
Hey Kirsten, the big guy is in
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Why JD supports Kirsten
In short, Mr. Ford is grotesquely out of step even with the general electorate of New York State, let alone with the voters within the Democratic Party who would choose between him and Senator Gillibrand.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
TRAITOR? Say what?
After Bill Owen’s win in NY’s 23rd Congressional District, the Republicans have set their sights on winning 3 seats back from Democrats who had unseated Republicans in the 2008 elections. From yesterday’s D&C:
Owens’ win followed three Democratic victories a year earlier in the Southern Tier, the Rochester-Syracuse area and the New York City borough of Staten Island, districts previously represented by Republicans.
As a result, Republicans now hold just two of the state’s 29 House seats and neither Senate seat.
But that will change in 2010, the National Republican Congressional Committee says.
NRCC officials are spotlighting an ophthalmologist from Westchester County, the mayor of Corning and a businessman from Eastern Long Island as the party’s best bets for regaining congressional seats next November.
It’s pretty sad when the GOP has to pin it’s hopes on the likes of the Mayor of Corning, Tom “I’m not a politician” Reed. Ignorance reigns in the Republican party, but we Homo sapiens are not a smart bunch, and you know every trick in the tea-bagging, birther, 9-12ing book will be used to unseat our progressive congressman in the 29th. So, put on your boots (although waders might be more appropriate) and prepare to do battle.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Sunday, January 3, 2010
"...What up NY 23?"
Saturday, January 2, 2010
I am sending this to virtually everybody on my e-mail list and that includes conservatives, liberals, and everybody in between. Even though we disagree on a number of issues, I count all of you as friends. I'm promoting a "Congressional Reform Act of 2010". It would contain eight provisions, all of which would probably be endorsed by those who drafted the Constitution. Now many of you will say, "This is impossible." Let me remind you, Congress has the lowest approval of any entity in Government, now is the time when Americans will join together to reform Congress - the entity that represents us. We need to get a Senator to introduce this bill in the US Senate and a Representative to introduce a similar bill in the US House. These people will become American hero's. Thanks, A Fellow American *********************************** Congressional Reform Act of 2010 1. Term Limits: 12 years only, one of the possible options below. A. Two Six year Senate terms B. Six Two year House terms C. One Six year Senate term and three Two Year House terms Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathersenvisioned citizen legislators, serve your term(s), then go home and back to work. 2. No Tenure / No Pension: A congressman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they are out of office. Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, serve your term(s), then go home and back to work. 3. Congress (past, present & future) participates in Social Security: All funds in the Congressional retirement fund moves to the Social Security system immediately. All future funds flow into the Social Security system, Congress participates with the American people. Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, server your term(s), then go home and back to work. 4. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan just as all Americans. Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, serve your term(s), then go home and back to work. 5. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%. Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, serve your term(s), then go home and back to work. 6. Congress looses their current health care system and participates in the same health care system as the American people. Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, serve your term(s), then go home and back to work. 7. Congress must equally abide in all laws they impose on the American people. Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, serve your term(s), then go home and back to work. 8. All contracts with past and present congressmen are void effective 1/1/11 . The American people did not make this contract with congressmen, congressmen made all these contracts for themselves. Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, serve your term(s), then go home and back to work. JD's comment was a simple one. Term limits are already Constitutionally provided for--they are called elections. As for the rest of the stuff, I basically have no problem with any of it. I understand that contracts can't be voided in an ex post facto way but the thought is pure. How about you? |
Harold in Haiti
Harold Ford, Jr., who happens to have been a classmate of mine at The University of Pennsylvania, is going to run for the U.S. Senate in my home state of New York. Recently, he has done and said a number of things that have worried me:
1. From his recent (2006) Senate run in his home state of Tennessee, he changed his stance on reproductive rights, same-sex marriages, taxation/social welfare, and home security in order to suit what he perceives to be a more "New York State of Mind." It has been barely one year that Mr. Ford has called New York his home. Is it something in the water? Maybe. I was born here, and from a very young age I believed in a woman's right to choose, a neighbor's right to love and be loved and, owing to the flouride in the Reservoir, I have always had strong teeth.
2. As recently as 2008, he considered running for Governor in his home state of Tennessee - a job indistinguishable from N.Y. Senator?
3. In a brazen and revealing interview with The New York Times this past week, he explained his New York lifestyle:
. frequent pedicures
.daily breakfasts at The Regency Hotel
. the subway as a last resort (car services are most desired)
. a helicopter landing in Staten Island (his only interaction with this borough)
4. On Wednesday night, Mr. Ford appeared with the Reverend Al Sharpton in front of the Haitian Consulate in Manhattan. He led us in prayer. Mr. Ford has never been to Haiti. Mr. Ford knows nobody in Haiti. Mr. Ford is not an ordained minister.
5. Tomorrow (Friday) he flies on a chartered plane to Haiti with Reverend Sharpton.
I cannot fault him for enjoying and spending the money he has made on Wall Street (Bank of America/Merill Lynch). I like it when wealthy people spend their money: more tax dollars; more liquidity; more jobs.
Carpetbagging is not a new phenomena. I actually do not mind it if a better candidate - ideally a "better person" - crosses a border and takes a chance.
What bothers me most, however, is Mr. Ford's use of Haiti as political protein. The cost of flying Harold - documentarians and staff too, I presume - on a private flight to the most suffering place on the planet will, I am certain, exceed the relative value of his shovel work. Fuel, security, personnel, pedicures on board? He must be an amazing shoveler.
One could argue that his presence will prove uplifting? His presence will not uplift these people. They do not know who he is. If anything, cranes, literally, will uplift these brave, long-suffering human beings.
It is my belief that Mr. Ford is using Haiti to make amends for his New York Times interview. Exploiting Haiti at this moment is, in my mind, not only wrong, but possibly amoral if not immoral.
I believe that this man is a consummate opportunist: he changes his mind to suit his location. He not only gives "politics" a bad name, he helps to sustain its contemporary definition, one that is unfortunately associated with greed, self-interest, ineffectiveness, and an utter absence of mettle. Further, he had ten years in Congress to speak about Haiti, learn about Haiti, fly to Haiti, address Haiti's problems and potential. He did not.
Mr. Ford, while in Haiti, please do not break a nail. Better yet, please break many. It will be the first tangible proof I have that you are serious about helping strangers.