Gillibrand was endorsed Friday by H. Carl McCall, "I am proud to endorse Kirsten Gillibrand for Senate," McCall said. "Families across New York have been through a lot in these tough economic times. But Kirsten has the vision, the commitment and the ability we need to turn this economy around and make it work for hardworking families in every corner of New York. She has what it takes to help chart a new direction for our state and our families, and I'm proud to stand with her."
Gillibrand also received endorsements from the following elected officials: Assemblyman Richard Brodsky, Assemblyman Karim Camara, Assemblywoman Deborah Glick, Senator Ruth Hassell-Thompson, Assemblywoman Crystal Peoples, Assemblyman Mark Schroeder and Assemblyman Darryl Towns.
In endorsing Gillibrand, Towns praised her work in the Senate that has helped his district.
"Kirsten has shown she is a true champion for Brooklyn families, laying out a legislative agenda that addresses the challenges my constituents are facing from the economy to the safety of our neighborhoods," Towns said. "She stood with President Obama to reauthorize the CHIP program to deliver health care for our children, and is working tirelessly to provide new opportunities to give our kids the education and bright future they deserve."
Senator Hassell-Thompson said that in the few months that Gillibrand has served in the U.S. Senate, she has proven herself as a "true leader."
"Kirsten is dedicated to improving the lives of all New Yorkers, and in such a short time has proven herself as a true leader," Hassell-Thompson said. "New York needs strong representation in Washington, and I am confident that Kirsten will continue to provide the excellent leadership our State deserves. I am proud to endorse her for the U.S. Senate."
The rest of Gillibrand's endorsements include:
Over the last several days, Senator Gillibrand has earned endorsements from labor groups, progressive advocates, and numerous elected officials from across the state.
* Representatives Nita Lowey, Yvette Clarke, Mike McMahon, Brian Higgins, Maurice Hinchey, John Hall, Mike Acuri, and Scott Murphy; * Leading progressives, including the Women's Campaign Forum, Emily's List, and NARAL: Pro Choice New York; * State leaders, such as Senate Majority Leader Malcolm Smith and Assemblyman Peter Rivera; * Democratic County Chairpeople from around the state, including Len Lenihan of Erie County and Jay Jacobs of Nassau; * Labor unions, including UFCW Local 1500, the largest grocery workers union in the state, 35,000 Machinists, and the National Federation of Federal Employees have all endorsed Kirsten.
There are those who argue that this is "top-down" politics. But if you look at the list of people who have backed Gillibrand and the groups that have supported her, these aren't top-down groups. In some cases these are grassroots groups who believe that Kirsten Gillibrand will be the best option in 2010.
Gillibrand has a lot of support early in the game and if this continues, it will make it difficult for any primary challenger to defeat her. She is a proven fundraiser and has proven that she can garner the support of many leaders throughout the state.